Saturday, March 30, 2013

Almost Easter!

Happy Saturday!

So, obviously, tomorrow is Easter! Yay! For me, this means I am baking today.  I was given a recipe from Family Circle a few years ago for Linzer Trees. I am not making trees but I am making cute circles. They are delicious cookies with finely chopped (thank you Ninja Chopper!) pistachios with raspberry jam smooshed in between two cookies. Let me tell you, these cookies are fantastic and addicting but they are a MAJOR pain in the butt. EVERYONE loves them and requests them whenever they feel cookies are appropriate. Soooo, every single holiday. Did I mention that they are super time consuming and a total pain to make?!

Moving on... I have been looking for 30 minutes for the perfect oatmeal cookie recipe because I think I would like to make those too. My mom has a fantastic recipe but she is at work and I kind of want to surprise her with them. But really, she is only going to see the Linzer Cookies.

I love holidays. I love to spend time with family. Holidays have gotten a little harder, emotionally, because Jose's family lives in Oregon and my Dad lives in Texas. I used to not understand what my poor husband was going through. I do now! Now we hold each other up and make it as wonderful as we can. The good news?! We are going to Oregon in July! Jose hasn't seen most of his family since he moved here 2 years ago. We are both really excited to go! 1 whole week of family and seriously authentic Mexican food! Yummy! And! It is gorgeous where they live! There are mountains and rivers and coves. Just beautiful! He used to tell me the town was a hole... I told him he was crazy! I love it there.

Well, back to my cookie search! Wish me luck :)

Friday, March 8, 2013

Loving my husband...

I am doing a quick post because I am reading this article:

It is really making me think. We have been married for just over 10 months. They have been full of little tests and wonderful memories. Sometimes I feel like I am an awesome wife... I cook, clean, rub his hands and feet when he is tired. I do little things for him and just love him. Other times, I feel like a TERRIBLE wife. I don't cook, I didn't clean, I complain when he does something nice but it isn't what I wanted him to do. I still love him but I could definitely improve on the ways I show it.

I want to go over this with him and talk about the ways WE can make our relationship even better. He really is so amazing and I am the luckiest girl in the world. I can be in a terrible mood and so mean but he still loves me just as much as he did BEFORE I bit his head off. For example, our apartment has a very small ant problem... I am totally grossed out by this and do everything possible to fix it. I complain and freak out and he just hugs me and does whatever I need to do to fix it.

Hopefully we can look at this and make little changes together. Hopefully, I can make the changes I need to make to be for him, what he is for me.
