Saturday, February 2, 2013

14 Days of Love

Yesterday was February 1... I remember when I was younger and time would seem to fly by, unless, of course, you were at school. All the adults, who seemed SO old, would tell me to wait till I was older, it just gets worse. Boy does it ever. Last month, I was so excited for Jose's birthday. I wanted to make it super special for him. Success :). [Happy dance] I wanted to make February even better.

A few years ago, when we were still dating and long distance, I decided to go all out for Valentine's Day. Beginning in mid-January, I started looking at cards. I bought a few. I made (quite) a few. All together, I had 14 Valentine's Day cards. In each, I wrote something I loved about him. I numbered the envelopes and I sent them on their merry little way all the way to Oregon. He loved them. I was happy. I got super gorgeous flowers that year.

All that mattered to me were the memories we made.

I wanted to do it again!

So, I decided on 14 Days of Love. I realized, when my hunny and I started dating, that love is not expensive, it's not jewelry or flowers. It is the memories and jokes and laughter. Hugs and kisses just because. Cuddling on the couch and watching a movie. All the other things are nice, I am a total girl, but those things don't make love. We make the feelings.

For Day 1, I just did a little card that kind of detailed my plan with a few lottery tickets. Jose likes lottery tickets. (Neither of us expect to get rich but it fun to scratch them.) This morning, I did hand and feet massages. He also looooves to have his hands and feet rubbed. He is a mechanic an automotive technician (he has a degree) so they are always tired.

I have a few more ideas... I might make these Pioneer Woman's Knock You Naked Brownies. I am considering using crushed cashews instead though... I am not a big pecan fan.

My main goal with all of this is to remind my husband how much I love him and appreciate him.

<3 Mailyn

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